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Monday, April 20, 2015


This post is more for fun than anything! Commodification is said to be a very "academic" topic, but really it is quite interesting to everyone!

People sell all kinds of things from kidneys to used handkercheifs supposedly used by celebrities.

In one sense, commodification simply means: selling things that "should not" be treated like goods in a market. This can include things like friendship, body parts, or other things that are humanizing, interpersonal or relational.

Do you think you might be a commodification expert when it comes to real life examples? Test your commodification knowledge with this quiz!

Test my commodification knowledge quiz

  1. How much is a pair of eyeballs worth on the black market?

  2. $1.3 million

  3. How much does it cost to rent a friend?

  4. About $200/hr
    About $1,000/hr
    About $177/hr
    About $10/hr

  5. How much is a liver worth on the black market?

  6. $157,000

  7. What is the going rate for selling advertising space on your body (permanent tatoo of a co. logo)?

  8. $50-$75
    $1.2 million +

  9. How much does it cost for a surrogate mother?

  10. $1,500

  11. What is the going rate on the black market for a forearm with hand attached?

  12. $38

  13. How much might you expect to pay for a month's supply of breast milk?

  14. $20-$30/month
    $5000+ per month

  15. How much might you pay for a professional mourner to come to a funeral (2 hours)?

  16. $10-$15

  17. The cost to have someone give a face-to-face apology for you from Shazaiya Aiga Co., Japan:

  18. $68

  19. The cost of a human shoulder on the black market is:

  20. $500

Let's see how you did!

apparently first appeared on medicaltranscriptiontraining.org, but I found it on Gizmodo. It is the source for the body part questions.

Other sources:

Advertising on body with tatoos
Surrogate mother
Breast milk
Professional mourners
Professional apologies in Japan

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