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Thursday, May 21, 2015



Almeida, R., & Carneiro, P. (2012). Enforcement of labor regulation and informality. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4(3), 64-89. {on being driven to informality}
Azari, J. R., & Smith, J. K. (2012). Unwritten rules: Informal institutions in established democracies. Perspectives on Politics, 10(01), 37-55.
Azuara, O., & Marinescu, I. (2013). Informality and the expansion of social protection programs: Evidence from Mexico. Journal of health economics,32(5), 938-950. {Shows connections between informality and capitalism}
Böröcz, J. (2000). Informality rules. East European Politics & Societies, 14(2), 348-380. {Informality is widespread in post-communist Eur}
Bosch, M., Goni, E., & Maloney, W. F. (2007). The determinants of rising informality in Brazil: Evidence from gross worker flows. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol.
Chatterjee, P. (2004). The politics of the governed: reflections on popular politics in most of the world. Columbia University Press.                                                                                                     
D'Erasmo, P. N., & Boedo, H. J. M. (2012). Financial structure, informality and development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 59(3), 286-302. {Financial/economic aspects to informality}
Feige, E. L. (1990). Defining and estimating underground and informal economies: The new institutional economics approach. World development,18(7), 989-1002. {Estimating underground economies}
Galiani, S., & Weinschelbaum, F. (2012). Modeling informality formally: households and firms. Economic Inquiry, 50(3), 821-838. {50% of salaried in Latin America work informally}
Gerxhani, K. (2004). The informal sector in developed and less developed countries: a literature survey. Public choice, 120(3-4), 267-300.
Geyer, H. S., Geyer Jr, H. S., & Du Plessis, D. J. (2013). Migration, geographies of marginality and informality—impacts on upper and lower ends of urban systems in the North and South. European Planning Studies21(3), 411-431.
Gold, S. J. (2014). Undocumented immigrants and self-employment in the informal economy in Lois Ann Lorentzen (ed), 167-190.
Grzymala-busse, A. (2010). The best laid plans: The impact of informal rules on formal institutions in transitional regimes. Studies in Comparative International Development, 45(3), 311-333.
Hart, K. (1973). Informal income opportunities and urban employment in Ghana.The journal of modern African studies, 11(01), 61-89. {First to use the term “informality”, described it as multifaceted even back then—everything from market gardens to political crime and corruption—available in JSTOR}
Kanbur, R. (2009). Conceptualising informality: Regulation and enforcement. {Typology of different conceptualizations: regulation applicable/non-applicable, compliant/not compliant, adjustment of activities…}
Kanbur, R. (2015). DP10509 Informality: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses. {The intractable nature of informality}
Larson, J. E. (2002). Informality, illegality, and inequality. Yale Law & Policy Review, 137-182.
Larson, J. E. (2005). Negotiating informality within formality: land and housing in the Texas colonias. Law and Globalization from Below, 140.
Loayza, N. V. (1996, December). The economics of the informal sector: a simple model and some empirical evidence from Latin America. In Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy (Vol. 45, pp. 129-162). North-Holland.
Lubell, H. (1991). The informal sector in the 1980s and 1990s.
Martinez, C., Cummings, M. E., & Vaaler, P. M. (2014). Economic informality and the venture funding impact of migrant remittances to developing countries.Journal of Business Venturing.
Mazumdar, D. (1976). The urban informal sector. World Development, 4(8), 655-679.
McFarlane, C. (2012). Rethinking informality: Politics, crisis, and the city.Planning Theory & Practice, 13(1), 89-108.
McFarlane, C., & Waibel, M. (Eds.). (2012). Urban informalities: reflections on the formal and informal. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
Moser, C. O. (1978). Informal sector or petty commodity production: dualism or dependence in urban development?. World development, 6(9), 1041-1064.
Ong, A. (2008). Scales of exception: Experiments with knowledge and sheer life in tropical Southeast Asia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 29(2), 117-129.
Peattie, L. (1987). An idea in good currency and how it grew: the informal sector. World development, 15(7), 851-860.
Perry, G. (Ed.). (2007). Informality: Exit and exclusion. World Bank Publications.
Porta, R. L., & Shleifer, A. (2014). Informality and development (No. w20205). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Portes, A., & Sassen-Koob, S. (1987). Making it underground: Comparative material on the informal sector in Western market economies. American journal of Sociology, 30-61.
Portes, A., & Schauffler, R. (1993). Competing perspectives on the Latin American informal sector. Population and development review, 33-60.
Portes, A., Castells, M., & Benton, L. A. (Eds.). (1989). The informal economy: Studies in advanced and less developed countries (pp. 147-153). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rakowski, C. A. (1994). Convergence and divergence in the informal sector debate: A focus on Latin America, 1984–92. World development, 22(4), 501-516.
Rauch, J. E. (1991). Modelling the informal sector formally. Journal of development Economics, 35(1), 33-47.
Roy, A. & AlSayyad, N. (Ed.). (2004). Urban Informality: Transnational Perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia. Lexington Books.
Roy, A. (2005). Urban informality: toward an epistemology of planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(2), 147-158.
Roy, A. (2009). Why India cannot plan its cities: informality, insurgence and the idiom of urbanization. Planning theory, 8(1), 76-87.
Samal, K. C. (2008). Informal sector: concept, dynamics, linkages & migration. Concept Publishing Company.
Sarte, P. D. G. (2000). Informality and rent-seeking bureaucracies in a model of long-run growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 46(1), 173-197. Can’t find it at home—check on campus. Can’t get it on campus either.
Sassen, S. (1994). The informal economy: Between new developments and old regulations. Yale Law Journal, 2289-2304.
Sassen, S. (2011). When Cities Become Strategic. Architectural Design, 81(3), 124-127.
Sassen, S. (2011). When Cities Become Strategic. Architectural Design, 81(3), 124-127. {Partial informality}
Sethuraman, S. V. (1976). Urban informal sector: Concept, measurement and policy, the. Int'l Lab. Rev., 114, 69. {History of the term “informal sector”}
Sethuraman, S. V. (1981). The urban informal sector in developing countries: employment poverty and environment.
Staudt, K. A. (2001). Informality Knows No Borders? Perspectives from El Paso-Juarez. SAIS Review, 21(1), 123-130.
Su-Jan, Y., Limin, H., & Kiang, H. C. (2012). Urban informality and everyday (night)life: a field study in Singapore. International Development Planning Review, 34(4), 369+
Tokman, V. E. (1978). An exploration into the nature of informal—formal sector relationships. World Development, 6(9), 1065-1075.
Van Light, I., & Bonacich, E. (1988). Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Koreans in Los Angeles.
Weinstein, L. (2014). The Durable Slum: Dharavi and the Right to Stay Put in Globalizing Mumbai.

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