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Monday, May 11, 2015


General definitions:

"Any process that increases the commodity aspect of an object relative to the humanizing or relational aspect."

Commodity: Any object that is esteemed, valued, used or exploited as an object for gain (usually in a market), or as an object of capitalism. 

Specific ways comodification has been defined in academic literature:

1) Any process through which an object becomes more highly associated with the principles, values and ideals of capitalism.

2) The process through which capitalism redefines something in terms of its measurable and extrinsic characteristics instead of its intrinsic, inalienable characteristics. 

3) An increase in "commodity culture" (valuing things and seeing the world in terms of "objects" that can be used or exploited for gain)

4) The process through which something becomes valued primarily for its ability to be exchanged in a market

5) The process through which a product in a market becomes less differentiated

6) An increase in the way nations promote capitalism, market power or the place of commodities through the policies they enact (Dueling forces: Market v. State).                                                                                                                          

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