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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Commodity exchange in non-market settings?

David Evans (Southerton 2011) asserted that commodity exchange can take place even in non-market societies and took place in pre-market societies.

I realize that this is just another case of the Marxist vs. business definitions of commodities and commodification. This is made explicit in Arjun Appadurai's 1988 work: "The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective". 

Appadurai (1988, 10) notes that Marx and Polyani have both observed that in barter, as in capitalist trade, exchanges are object centered, relatively impersonal and asocial in nature. Although none of these people (Appadurai, Marx or Polyani) seem to see barter as a form of commodity exchange (they describe them as separate things: barter and commodity exchange), it does seem that one could argue, as does Evans (Southerton 2011) that certain bartering societies were engaging in commodity exchange of a sort, at least under a Marxist definition of the word--exchange of things that are impersonal, objectified and (as the Appadurai piece adds) asocial. 

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